5 Most Importent Things About Colombian Aguardiente

Aguardiente is hands-down, unquestionably, the National Drink of Colombia. There isn’t any occasion, club night, countryside celebration, or even a normal weekend in Colombia where this drink isn’t in the hands of people making them sway. So much so that even if you ask any local for a special regional drink, he might ask you about aguardiente first, and then next, buying you one.

Although, being so prominent, people don’t know much about this amazing drink which translates to “fire water”.

1. First, let us know what Colombian Aguardiente is: 
Colombian Aguardiente, or “guaro”, is an anise-flavored drink which is extracted and derived from sugarcane. The alcohol content ranges anywhere between 29% to 60%.
Aguardiente is a clear spirit which is derived first by fermentation, and then distillation. You will either love this drink or hate this, with completely nothing in between.

2. What is Aguardiente made from?
Aguardiente is nothing but simple four ingredients- Alcohol, sugar, anise, and water.
Fun fact- Out these four, only water is from Colombia!
 And as for the other three, the sugar is imported from Central America, pure alcohol is imported from Ecuador and Bolivia, and anise from Spain.

3. Why is Aguardiente only popular in Colombia?
Because of it being a simple drink without any complex taste that eventually gets better as older it gets. Unlike the beverages that get better with age and flavor such as rum or whiskey, the only thing which separates one Aguardiente from the other is on the basis of how much sugar, anise, and alcohol is added. Therefore, people like to drink more distinguishable drinks internationally.

4. Is Colombian Aguardiente popular regionally?
Hard pill to swallow, yes,  the Colombian Aguardiente  is famous but it decreases every year!
Unpopular fact- The consumption of regional liquor has gradually decreased by 56% over the last 25 years.
Allegedly because of the increasing competition from the international spirit makers.

5. Why is the alcohol content only 29%?
The alcohol content subsequently decreased from 40% to 29% and there are various reasons alleged.
The aguardiente makers say it is so to make the spirit more appealing for the international market. But on the contrary, every other drink ranges around 40%.

Next time if you find yourself roaming on the streets of Colombia, take a chance and try this amazing “Guaro” or Aguardiente (Agua- water; ardiente- burning.)
Gulp down this drink and experience the sensation of “firewater”

You can also try this amazing spirit in numerous cocktails such as Aguardiente sour, caipirinha (Ecuadorian), canelazo, daisy maria, and the honey martini.


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